The Power of a Phone Call

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Yesterday, I learned the true power of a phone call.

If you have followed me for any length of time, you know that my oldest son is doing an internship in Alabama for the summer. Well, last night I received a phone call from him and the first words out of his mouth were, ” I love you, Momma”. Cue the tears, am I right?

He told me about his day. About how there was a woman’s house that he went up to and the lady had just lost her son and was planning his memorial. He said it made him think of me so he wanted to call me and tell me how much he loved me. He went on to say that we are never guaranteed tomorrow so he wanted to make sure I knew how much he appreciated me and all the sacrifices I have made for him. He told me what a great job I did of raising him right.



Now, if any of you are boy Moms, you know exactly why this totally melted my heart into a puddle. Boys do not share their feelings very often so, when they do:

  1. It catches you off guard
  2. You know it’s gonna be heartfelt

Haston completely caught me off guard yesterday. It was one of the most special calls I have ever received. That got me to thinking….how often do we make those phone calls that can make someone’s day, their month or even their year? WOW, that reminded me of the Friends theme song…. I digress. LOL

I want to do that for others! So, I am going to make myself put a little extra effort in and make phone calls instead of text messages. If we all just took that extra step could you imagine the joy that would be floating around the world? And we can ALL use a little joy these days, right?

I love this scripture in 1 Thessalonians 5:11 that says “Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

I thought of it today when I was writing this post and it is fitting I think.

I hope you are not disappointed but, all of my posts won’t be me showing you products I love (even though that is my job and I will do it often). LOL Just felt like sharing my heart with you today. Isn’t it amazing…the power of a phone call? Be blessed friends and if you are dying to check out my other posts just click here.

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