13 Boredom Busters for Children from Amazon


Oh my goodness y’all, can you believe we are in week 3 of this craziness? I am literally awestruck by this whole thing. There are parts of me that are super anxious and there are parts of me that are feeling super thankful. It is so odd to me to be feeling such polar opposite emotions all at the same time. This time in our lives is truly C.R.A.Z.Y!!!!! But anywho, I wanted to get on here today and share 13 boredom busters for children from Amazon! If you are anything like me, you are trying to get REALLY creative with how your kiddos are spending their “down” time. Mine are older so they pretty much self-manage but I wanted to do this for all you young mamas trying to keep your sanity. Hang in there sweeties, you got this!

So, I am sharing SPIKEBALL first because our family has been playing it non-stop. The best thing about this is that it is for a wide range of ages. Our family ranges in age from 14-53 and we all love playing it! It will be well worth the investment because it is great fun for adults at parties. So see, fun for everyone!!!

Another fun outdoor game is Toss and Catch. It is also great for any age! It has a velcro surface so it is great for the littles to catch.

Y’all, this play pool is perfect for occupying those littles for a while. It is SUPER inexpensive right now so run and get it. It will be worth it’s weight in gold.

You can’t go wrong with sidewalk chalk and this is great because it comes with a long stick for the kids to use.

Another sure fire activity is bubbles. I love that this comes with little bubble guns for loads of fun!

Finger paints can be so fun because you can do them either inside on paper or outside on the ground. This set comes with some great colors as well.

I love playing darts and this is a kid-friendly variation of that game. The balls are velcro so it’s easy and fun for kiddos.

These building straws will keep the kiddos busy for HOURS! You heard me….HOURS!!! You’re welcome! LOL

This little sticker book is fun because you create animals out of stickers. Another great time waster, LOL!

Wikki Stix are so much fun because they are coated in wax and bend any way you want them to.

Have you ever had ZZand before? This stuff is awesome! It is like sand but much more moldable. Such a fun way for kiddos to use their creativity.

Scavenger hunts are so much fun and here is a creative way to have one. Use these cards and get hunting.

This fossil kit is for those science loving kiddos. They get to chisel and dig to find 15 genuine fossils.

So many great finds and I hope you are able to use some of these 13 boredom busters for children from Amazon. They are all very reasonable and will be super helpful with those sweet little babies at home! Now, don’t forget to take care of you during this time as well. Even if it’s just a simple face mask or a little at-home manicure. You are only as good as you feel. Breathe mama, you are doing the best you can and that is all that is asked of you. God bless! YOU GOT THIS!! Oh, and be sure to check out all of my super easy dinner ideas for your tribe.

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